
Why You Should Go to Camp Quirky Next Year (And Probably the Year After)

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In the year 2018, Camp Quirky opened it’s doors to the public which enabled a festival full of self-converted camper vans and their owners, a perfect space for those who are interested in big hunks of metal that happen to contain houses.


The main stage of the festival was a picturesque teepee, complete with bar and hay bales. By day a haven of information and by night a vibrant venue of musical vibrations.

FACT OF THE DAY: The Lakota word “teepee” roughly translates to the English word “dwelling”.


The other stage was a marquee, more talks and workshops. Lovely community feeling in here.

FACT OF THE FOLLOWING DAY: The word Marquee only really means canopy in English, in Middle French it translates to “border”, “elegant”, “pleasing” and even “nobleman”…


Although these were the only two official stages, I went to a talk on 3D modelling that was held outside the guys van (hi Rob!), and there were other things happening around and about the place where vans briefly became venues, proving just how wonderful and versatile a home on wheels can be.

Even the cocktail bar was a van! (The top opens up)


There were also a wide variety of Quirky Campers on show, with helpful owners to show you around. But one of my favourite things about the whole weekend was the helpfulness and willingness to chat that every person there seemed to embody, Quirky Camper or not. The sense of a community atmosphere was simply fantastic.


There was a nice mix of talks, everything from more the more technical like solar panel installation all the way to more travel lifestyle driven like a discussion of slow travel.

Some of the highlights for me were the one I mentioned earlier about creating a 3D drawing for a campervan, a panel on the aspects of long-term van living, and a great talk at the end of the festival on some aspects of wood joinery, I’d actually planned to go to many more but I ended up getting totally distracted falling into conversation with various van owners across the site, which I don’t regret for an instant.


Something I didn’t anticipate was the quality of the music, the atmosphere of the Teepee at night was great, and some of the acts were really impressive, highlights for me here are the wonderful tones of Tracy Gallagher and the unstoppable Langan Band. Lovely bonus add-on that I wasn’t expecting.

Things that made Camp Quirky stand out

Here some things that I thought set Camp Quirky apart, their unique selling points if you will:

Sharing of Ideas

The sharing of ideas is at the core of many festivals, but the campervan theme of this one meant that there was so much relevant conversation going on, I had a lovely time wandering around catching snatches of people discussing their favourite overnight spots, or their plans for future conversions.

The festival emailed a print-out that you could stick on your van if you wanted people to come and say hello, this really promoted going and popping your head in and it meant I saw loads more vans over the weekend than I otherwise would have.

This simple little sign made such a difference to the whole experience, great shout festival organisers!

Refreshingly Unrestricted

There were no camping restrictions, and you could park up pretty much wherever you liked, this was really refreshing as I’ve been to some festivals in the last year or two where the parking restrictions are totally over the top and end up taking away from the experience. This was a perfect demonstration of the fact that if you leave people to sort out their own parking, then everything will still work itself out perfectly well.

There were also a limited number of dogs on site, you don’t see this very often on festival sites, perhaps because of the number of people at with bigger festivals. But nevertheless, it was really nice to have some dogs running around, it really added to the wholesomeness and realism of the experience.



Following are a load of photos I took while I was at the festival. Truth be told I spent most of my time getting distracted and didn’t photograph half of the top quality stuff that was there, but here is what I did find.

There were big boxy vans


…and classic little ones


Plenty of colourful ones


…and plenty of colourful ones… Jinx!


Even a bee themed one!


It’s not just the vans that were every colour…


…as it’s the same story for the hobs!

Plenty of established van-dwellers

An inspiring aspect of the festival was some of the well-known van-dwellers in attendance, the likes of The Rolling Home, The Indie Projects, Beyond The VanHouseless Not Homeless, and Florence and the Morgans to name a few! The ones I met turned out to be lovely people (who would’ve thought!)* and it was great to see them all answering peoples questions and concerns, another aspect of the festival I really didn’t anticipate.

*Purple for sarcasm, because I assumed they would in fact be lovely people!

My Thoughts

I’m very glad I made my way over to Camp Quirky this year, I’ve got a huge stack of notes and ideas to go through, I was surprised at just how many full-time van dwellers there were, it’s very exciting to see this movement developing.

It seems like there is an increase in this particular strain of alternative living at the moment and it’s great to see events such as this one pushing it forward, so shouts going out to everyone who turned up with their beautiful vans, sharing information and just being a lovely group, it was great meeting those of you that I talked to.

I’ll definitely be going back next year, I’m very interested to see where it goes in the future and wish the Quirky Campers crew the best of luck in future festivals.

I would absolutely recommend this festival to anyone with almost any degree of interest in the van lifestyle, it’s a great crowd of people going and if you decide you’re up for it, I’ll see you in the fields next year!

Who made it out to Camp Quirky this year or would give it a shot next year? Any thoughts on the festival itself? Leave a comment below!
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7 responses to “Why You Should Go to Camp Quirky Next Year (And Probably the Year After)”

  1. Bryony avatar

    Thank you for the brilliant source of information! I have never even heard of this festival before, but as I begin to make my van dream a reality I will be sure to keep this diamond mind. It is always great to get people together who share common ground, really brings out the best in us.

    1. Craig avatar

      Cheers m’dears, I totally agree that sharing knowledge can bring out some serious goodness.

  2. Oscar avatar

    As much as i love music festivals it’s always nice to go to a festival with a different theme in mind! They are always so focused and inspiring. This sounds great for future reference! Thanks x

    1. Craig avatar

      I with you on that one, I was really surprised at just how much I got from it, very inspiring.

  3. Josh avatar

    What a great post; sounds like such a treat! The talks and panels sound brilliant but more than anything it’s just so lush to come away from a festival with that warm-footed community’d feel. Looking forward to joining you next year, hopefully on wheels! x

    1. Craig avatar

      Thanks man, appreciate it. It was a proper gooden, I was impressed! Keen as horseradish for some Josh-On-Wheels.

  4. […] If you’re based in the UK and want to see some seriously premium home-made van conversions. I would highly recommend heading to Camp Quirky. […]

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